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Tag: Adobe FrameMaker

Adobe FrameMaker 9: That Flippin’ Toolbox

by Barb Binder Most of us don’t do a lot of drawing in FrameMaker these days, but sometimes we just need to add a quick line or rectangular element to the page. The toolbox gives you access to these drawing tools, along with various formatting commands. To access the toolbox, just choose Graphics > Tools. It will […]

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Adobe FrameMaker: Did you know that…

by Barb Binder Adobe FrameMaker: Did you know that… You can follow any hyperlink in FrameMaker by pressing Control+Alt as you click on the link? You can do this with manual hyperlinks (i.e., a link to a web page) or automatic hyperlinks (i.e., a cross-reference, or an index page number). You can hide and show all […]

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Adobe FrameMaker: Multiple References to One Table Footnote

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on FrameMaker Updated Mar 07, 2021 Footnotes in FrameMaker are pretty straightforward. Place your cursor where you’d like the footnote reference to appear, and choose Insert menu > Footnote. If your cursor was in the body of the footnote, the note will appear at the bottom of the page. If […]

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Adobe FrameMaker: Endnotes

by Barb Binder Now that you are successfully working with Footnotes (if not, take a look at Adobe FrameMaker: Formatting Footnotes), what about Endnotes? Advanced users may be thinking, “What is she talking about? FrameMaker doesn’t offer an Endnotes command, does it?” No, but… you can have endnotes, if you are willing to work a little […]

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Adobe FrameMaker: Formatting Footnotes

by Barb Binder When you write in Adobe FrameMaker and need to add the occasional reference, it seems straightforward enough. Just choose Special > Footnote and there you go. A footnote number immediately appears at the cursor position and the footnote itself appears at the bottom of the page. Better yet, if your Word document has […]

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Adobe FrameMaker: Creating Custom Master Pages

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on FrameMaker Updated: May 22, 2020 New FrameMaker documents have default master pages. Single-sided documents have one, called “Right”, and double side-documents have two, called “Left” and “Right”. We use these pages to place the objects we want to repeat on all the Body Pages, like our running heads, page […]

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Adobe FrameMaker: Automatically Assigning Custom Master Pages

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on FrameMaker Updated: May 22, 2020 Note: If you are new to custom master pages, you will want to review Adobe FrameMaker: Creating Custom Master Pages before continuing. Custom master pages are used in our FrameMaker documents to suppress page numbers on the opening page of a chapter or anytime […]

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Adobe FrameMaker: List of markers

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on FrameMaker Updated: May 23, 2020 One of my regular layout jobs has contributing authors who use a variety of accented characters in their writing. The chapter titles are set in all caps, and don’t need the accents, but the table of contents is set in upper & lower […]

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Adobe FrameMaker: Why are my Row Heights Uneven?

by Barb Binder Frequently, when I import tables into FrameMaker from Microsoft Word, I get varying row heights. As a FrameMaker default, row height is controlled by content, so my first step is usually to show the text symbols (View > Text Symbols) and expose all extra hard and soft returns that may have come in with […]

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Adobe FrameMaker: Setting Tabs, Part III

by Barb Binder If you’ve worked your way through the posts on Setting Tabs, Part I and Setting Tabs, Part II, you’ve learned how to set tab stops and how to modify them. Let’s finish up by learning how to work with dot leaders. Dot Leaders in a Table of Contents The typical table of contents […]

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