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Tag: Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign: Replacing Text with Icons, Really Fast!

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign updated Jul 6, 2017 A little known addition to Adobe InDesign CS4 was the ability to replace an object by pasting the contents of the clipboard. This can be useful in a variety of ways, but it’s is the single easiest way to replace a text string with an […]

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Adobe InDesign: Baseline Alignment Across Columns

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign Updated Sep 9, 2020 Baseline alignment is a fairly easy task in InDesign. Place your multi-column story and set up the formatting for your body text, heads, lists, etc. Once you’ve made your various design decisions, it’s just a few more steps to align your baselines across columns. […]

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Adobe InDesign: Tracking and Kerning

by Barb Binder When I ask my InDesign students to define the words “tracking” and “kerning”, the best I usually get is a vague reference to letter spacing. And that’s on a good day. More often I get furrowed brows and people suddenly fascinated by their keyboards. The terms aren’t hard to understand, and when I […]

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Adobe InDesign: Setting (and Removing) Defaults

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign Updated on Aug 29, 2023 In my opinion, your software works for you, and the running theme in my training classes is how to automate your workflow so that your layout comes together quickly and leaves nights and weekends for fun, and not trying to meet your deadline. […]

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Adobe InDesign: Using Rules & Underlines Together

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign Updated:  May 24, 2020 This post marks the sixth and final entry in the series on InDesign underlines and paragraph rules. Now that you have a solid foundation, here are some fun ways to tie all this information together. For these next tutorials to work, you must […]

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Adobe InDesign: Reverse heads

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign Updated:  May 24, 2020 Adobe InDesign allows us to attach rules either above a paragraph, below a paragraph, or both. This is a very useful feature for setting off headings, and significantly better than grabbing the Line tool and drawing the lines yourself. If you’ve ever done […]

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Adobe InDesign: Highlighting Text

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign Updated: May 24, 2020 One day, a prospective student called me to discuss the merits of an InDesign/InCopy workflow vs a FrameMaker/Acrobat Mark-up workflow. As a long-time trainer on all four products, he came to the right place…to be convinced to use FrameMaker and Acrobat, or so […]

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Adobe InDesign: Custom Underlines

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign Updated:  May 24, 2020 Underlines are one of things that can identify you as new to design and layout. Originally a proofreader’s mark for italics, underlines took on a life of their own during the typewriter years, when they were one of the only ways one could […]

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Adobe InDesign: Creating New Stroke Styles

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign Updated:  May 24, 2020 Note: If you are new to the Stroke Panel, take a moment to review the basic concepts covered in Adobe InDesign: Stroke Primer before moving on to this tutorial. A very useful, yet little known, option in the Stroke panel is the ability […]

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Adobe InDesign: Stroke Primer

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign Updated:  May 24, 2020 NOTE: This post is meant to provide a brief overview of the Stroke panel. The information that follows provides the foundation for our posts on creating new stroke styles, customizing underlines, highlighting text, reverse heads and combining paragraph rules and underlines. You can […]

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